Your adoption of an American pika will help ensure that the ‘Eeep!’ of the pika will continue to ring out across our Colorado mountains.

Rocky Mountain Wild is engaging community scientists, in our Colorado Pika Project, to help us gather much-needed data on the effects of climate change on the American pika. This data will allow us to find out whether pika are vulnerable to climate change and inform strategies to mitigate the potential impacts of climate change.
Recent research predicts that pikas may be extirpated from Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) during this century under some climate change scenarios.
Adoptions only cost $35. The Adopt A Pika project helps us to fund our pika field research, train community scientists, and develop conservation strategies for protecting this amazing little critter. Pika adoptions include an adorable American pika plush animal and a personalized certificate of adoption. And the plush pikas are stuffed with a sustainable fill from certified 100% recycled PET bottles!
Your plush pika represents a real pika in the wild! Upon request, we can tell you where a real pika yours represents lives! And if you want to name your pika, we will keep that name on file.
Pika’s make a gift, for say, a birthday or really any holiday. If you would like to purchase a pika for someone else, our form makes that super easy to do. We can send the pika directly to them and send an email to you with the e-certificate and location of that pika. If you want, you can even name the pika after your giftee and we’ll keep that name on file!
A huge thank you to our pika parents!
The Colorado Pika Project is a partnership of Rocky Mountain Wild and Denver Zoo.