Habitat fragmentation is recognized as a primary cause of the decline of species worldwide. Housing complexes, roads, power lines, and even recreational trails divide large habitats into smaller, more isolated remnants. Fragmentation restricts wildlife movement and limits migration as well as other important daily, seasonal, and life needs. It can drive species to extinction.

The goal of our Room to Roam program is to address fragmentation by identifying and protecting key remaining habitats and restoring the linkages between them. On the national scale, Rocky Mountain Wild works to protect the Southern Rockies as part of the greater Western Wildway. The Western Wildway will ultimately provide wide-ranging wildlife like wolves, mountain lions, and other animals with room to roam, while also sustaining important ecological processes like pollination, carbon storage, and water storage.
On a more local level Rocky Mountain Wild works to identify, protect, and restore the most important wildlife movement corridors in Colorado. From the high-altitude wildlife linkage at Wolf Creek Pass to the wildlife movement pathways that are severed by traffic along the I-70 Mountain Corridor, we work to provide science-based solutions that provide wildlife with room to roam.
Geographic areas we’re focused on:
- Arkansas River Valley
- Front Range (coming soon)
- Southwestern Colorado
- Vail Pass (coming soon)
- Wild I-70
- Wolf Creek Pass