We love that you want to volunteer with us to protect wildlife in our region! We are currently in a major transition period as Tehri, our former Executive Director, retired. At this time, we are not currently taking volunteers other than folks who want to participate in our community science projects this upcoming field season.
Community Science Projects:
- Colorado Pika Project (Pika Partners) – Volunteers hike to high-altitude field sites to collect data on pikas and their habitat. Volunteers enjoy learning about pika ecology and climate change, contributing to pika research and conservation, hiking in the alpine, and making new friends. Researchers are currently using CPP data, collected by volunteers every year from 2010 to the present, in efforts to determine if American pika is vulnerable to climate change. You can join CPP and be part of this important effort. To view Pika Partners training opportunities, please visit the Pika Partners website.
- Colorado Corridors Project (CCP) – Volunteers assist with setting up and checking remote-triggered cameras in the field at a proposed wildlife crossing structure location as well as identifying and cataloging species captured on the cameras through Zooniverse. CCP opportunities will be listed here when there are any.
- Colorado Bat Watch (CBW) – Volunteers will collect data to enable state and federal agencies to monitor bat species over time. When CBW has launched, more information about registering will be here. (Tentative date is mid-May).
- Go Big! Central Colorado Bighorn Sheep Survey (Go Big!) – Volunteers can record observations of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, domestic sheep, and domestic goats in Central Colorado. The data collected by volunteers will inform conservation strategies. There is no need to register for this opportunity. All the training materials and a link to the iNaturalist page, can be found on our Go Big! webpage.
Interested in getting involved in our events? Check out our events page.