On May 11-17, 2025, Rocky Mountain Wild and our partners will host the 9th annual Colorado Endangered Species Week! This week is dedicated to providing educational events and advocacy opportunities to protect the planet and species at risk here in Colorado.
During this week, Rocky Mountain Wild and our partners organize speakers, fundraisers, direct actions, and other activities along the Front Range, with major events occurring in Boulder and Denver, as well as activities you can take part in from the comfort of your own home.
Join us for the events and for The Most Awesome Environmental Online Auction in the Front Range! All items in this auction have been donated by members of a green coalition (1% for the Planet, Certifiably Green Denver, Certified Green Lafayette, Climate Neutral Certified, The Conservation Alliance, Good Food 100, Green America, etc) or the item itself may replace a less environmental one.
Events for your favorite Colorado endangered species:
During Colorado Endangered Species Week, we’ll be focusing on a few of our important species or wild places, or a solution that protects our important species or wildly places here in Colorado. We will feature a suite of activities, including things to read, direct actions to take, and things to watch to help us learn about and advocate for our Colorado imperiled, threatened, and endangered species!
Events coming soon.
Are you an environmental nonprofit that wants to partner for an event? Contact Chris to set it up!
The Most Awesome Environmental Online Auction in the Front Range:
Colorado Endangered Species Week includes The Most Awesome Environmental Online Auction in the Front Range, with auction items that are either donated by a business with a green coalition membership or items that are environmental in nature.
The online auction will open at noon MT on May 10 and close at noon MT on May 17. You must be located in the United States to participate out of respect for our donors and their shipping costs.
Are you a green business or do you have environmental items you’d like to donate? Fill out our Auction Form!
Donors coming soon.
Colorado Endangered Species Week Partners:
This week can’t happen without the help of all our partners. If you are interested in becoming a Media Sponsor, a Resource Partner, an Event Partner, or a Sponsor, please check out our Sponsorship Packet and email Chris at chris@rockymountainwild.org with the type of partnership you would like to have this year.
Sponsors coming soon.
For the Kids (and Kids at Heart):
Feel free to download any of our coloring pages! And if you love how it turned out, please send it to us and we’ll post it on our Instagram page!
- American pika coloring page
- Bighorn sheep coloring page
- Boreal toad coloring page
- Canada lynx coloring page
- Gray wolf coloring page
- Greater sage-grouse coloring page
- Gunnison sage-grouse coloring page
- Townsend’s big-eared bat coloring page
- Wolverine coloring page
- Colorado Parks & Wildlife coloring pages
Header image: Top row: American pika (imperiled, but not listed) courtesy of Will Thompson, USGS; boreal toad (state endangered) courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife; greater sage-grouse (state special concern) courtesy of Bob Wick, Bureau of Land Management; Colorado River cutthroat trout (state special concern) courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife; least tern (state endangered) courtesy of Amanda Boyd, USFWS; Bottom row: burrowing owl (state threatened) courtesy of Ben Lawrence; kit fox (state endangered) courtesy of Kelly Rigby, Bureau of Land Management; clay-loving wild buckwheat (state endangered) courtesy of Langton Alicia, USFWS; longnose leopard lizard (state special concern) courtesy of William Bosworth, ID Department of Fish and Game. All images are public domain.