The Oil & Gas Lease Sales map below shows parcels proposed to be offered for lease by the Bureau of Land Management. This interactive map shows current and upcoming lease sales and their conflicts with wildlife and natural areas. More information on upcoming leases is shown below the map.
Advice on how to use the map: Zoom in for more detail. Select the layer list icon in the upper left, expand and turn on conservation_conflicts and other layers and sublayers. Click on parcels or conservation conflict areas for more information. Scroll through pop-ups for multiple overlapping areas by clicking on the right triangle/arrow.
September (Third Quarter) 2025 Lease Sale
Scoping (posted 2/25/2025)
- Comments on the parcels included in the Parcel List for the proposed Utah Third Quarter (Q3) 2025 Lease Sale must be received by Friday, March 28, 2025. There is more information and a link to submit comments on the Utah 2025 Third Quarter Oil and Gas Competitive Lease Sale ePlanning website and with additional information on the Utah Oil and Gas Lease Sales Web Page.
- According to the announcement and documents, Utah Bureau of Land Management is proposing to offer 25 parcels/39,868.14 acres in Sanpete and Uintah Counties in the Richfield and Vernal Field Offices.
- Rocky Mountain Wild has prepared a screen showing conflicts between the proposed parcels and important wildlife, wilderness and other resource values.
- Wildlife and plant conflicts identified:
- Critical habitat for Colorado pikeminnow
- General habitat for greater sage-grouse including brood and winter habitat
- White-tailed prairie dog area
- Black-footed ferret management area
- Crucial winter habitat for elk and mule deer
- Crucial fawning habitat for mule deer and pronghorn
- Duchesne milkvetch (vulnerable plant)
- Wildlands conflicts identified:
- Lands identified by the Bureau of Land Management and conservation organizations as having wilderness characteristics
- Lands proposed for Wilderness protection by the U.S. Congress
- Land adjacent to the Winter Ridge Wilderness Study Area
- Land within 10 miles of Dinosaur National Monument
- Human-powered recreation footprint (Outdoor Alliance)
- Note that all of the proposed parcels are on lands identified as medium or high potential for oil and gas development.
- Scoping Parcels: Google Earth kmz | Zipped Shapefile
- Scoping ABI Screen, a spreadsheet showing conflicts between the proposed parcels and important wildlife, wilderness and other resource values.
May 13, (Second Quarter) 2025 Lease Sale
Sale Notice (posted 12/18/2024)
- Protests on the parcels included in the Sale Notice, Draft Environmental Assessment (EA), and the Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed Utah Second Quarter (Q2) 2025 Lease Sale must be received by Friday, January 17, 2025. There is more information and a link to submit comments on the Utah 2025 Second Quarter Oil and Gas Competitive Lease Sale ePlanning website and with additional information on the Utah Oil and Gas Lease Sales Web Page.
- According to the announcement and documents, Utah Bureau of Land Management is proposing to offer 2 parcels/833 acres in Uintah County in the Vernal Field Office in the Green River District.
- Rocky Mountain Wild has prepared a screen showing conflicts between the proposed parcels and important wildlife, wilderness and other resource values. Conflicts identified include:
- White-tailed prairie dog area
- Black-footed ferret management area
- Crucial fawning habitat for pronghorn
- Sale Notice Parcels: Google Earth kmz | Zipped Shapefile
- Sale Notice ABI Screen, a spreadsheet showing conflicts between the proposed parcels and important wildlife, wilderness and other resource values.
Draft Environmental Assessment (posted 6/24/2024)
- Draft EA Parcels: Google Earth kmz | Zipped Shapefile
- Draft EA ABI Screen
Scoping (posted 2/14/2024)
- Scoping Parcels: Google Earth kmz | Zipped Shapefile
- Scoping ABI Screen
- *NEW* BLM Lease Sale Scoping Comment Template 3/3/2025. Language highlighted in yellow needs to be filled in with information relevant to the particular lease sale. References highlighted in green are sources that we recommend including as exhibits to be submitted as PDFs accompanying the comment letter. Look for updates as the NEPA process for lease sales is clarified.
- Geospatial Data for currently authorized Federal Oil and Gas Lease Parcels
- Federal Oil and Gas Leasing geospatial data is viewable on the Bureau of Land Management’s Mineral & Land Records System (MLRS) Research Map*. Rocky Mountain Wild created a GIS snapshot of this data on 6/11/2024 and it is available as a zipped shapefile. Extracts for states in the Rocky Mountain Region are available in this Google Drive Folder.
- In Google Earth kmz data in the Google Drive Folder, Red = held by production. Purple = not held by production.
- Currently authorized leases spatial data extracted from the Bureau’s Oil and Gas Leases Feature Service as of 6/11/2024. Data was modified by Rocky Mountain Wild by extracting currently authorized leases, removing data with the poorest quality (including all parcels in Texas), changing the projection, adding missing currently authorized parcels from recent sales in Wyoming (the majority of missing parcels with recent effective dates), adding attribute data from the BLM Land & Mineral System Reports as of 6/11 – 6/14/2024, and removing leases no longer authorized as of 6/11/2024.
- Email Alison if you have any questions.
- BLM Utah Oil & Gas Leasing Webpage
- Poster Map of Oil & Gas Development in Utah
- Archive of Utah Oil & Gas Lease Sale Screens
- Rocky Mountain Wild Oil and Gas Toolbox for Activists
- Information on the Assessment of Biological Impact (ABI) Screen
*The Research Map doesn’t work in all web browsers. I was able to successfully access the map in the Firefox browser on a Windows PC on 6/17/2024.