Social Media Community Guidelines

The goals of our social media pages are to 1. share the best-known science, 2. develop a thriving community of educators, students, activists, philanthropists, and community scientists who are passionate about protecting the wildlife and wild lands in the Southern Rocky Mountains, and 3. engage in advocacy with the knowledge that compassionate community collaboration will always result in more useful outcomes than individual action. Because we are all in this together.

In order to meet the goals of this community, it’s important that our members know they are in a safe place. As such, here are a few guidelines to follow as you interact on our social media pages:

  1. Hate speech will not be tolerated on our social media under any circumstance. Hate speech includes, but is not limited to: bullying, threats, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other -isms against protected classes or marginalized identities. Additionally, please ensure that the language you use on our social media pages is welcoming and inclusive.
  2. Please treat everyone with patience and respect. This includes respecting peoples’ privacy and not wishing harm on others. Trolling and doxxing will not be tolerated. It also means respecting peoples’ time by staying on topic and not spreading misinformation.
  3. Please uphold equity in conversations. That means listening to traditionally marginalized people and accepting and deferring to their experience in conversations about race, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, etc. Believe people from traditionally marginalized communities about their marginalization. Do not “talk over” people who are sharing their lived experience with you.
  4. Profanity is automatically hidden from view on our Facebook page. And will be manually hidden from our other pages.
  5. Please respect peoples’ labor and do not “dirty delete” threads. Instead, edit for clarification or to “take back” something you have since learned about.
  6. Please refrain from posting graphic photographs of dead or injured animals.
  7. Please respect other peoples’ work. Only upload content that you have created or properly credit people for their content, if you have obtained permission to share it.
  8. If you are a minor, please do not post in the community without the knowledge and permission of a legal guardian. If you are an adult, and your post contains information about or the likeness of a minor, you must be the legal guardian or have the permission of the legal guardian of that minor.

Rocky Mountain Wild staff moderates our social media pages and will take action when we see something that violates these guidelines. This could involve removing the comment and inviting the user to make a new comment that fits within the community guidelines. If there is a pattern of harm, Rocky Mountain Wild staff may block a user following a series of warnings. If there is any threat of harm or Rocky Mountain Wild staff believe that the infraction was severe, users will be blocked immediately with no warning.

If you have any questions about the moderation of our social media pages, feel free to email us at or DM us your question. We are a very small team here at Rocky Mountain Wild, so we may not see everything. If you see an inappropriate comment that hasn’t been dealt with, please tag us, email us, or DM us about it.

Thank you for maintaining our community!