Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released its final “Public Lands Rule” putting conservation, wildlife habitat and cultural resource protection on equal footing with extractive uses like oil and gas development for the first time in over 40 years...
Tag: bureau of land management
Take action to strengthen protections for CO big game

The Bureau of Land Management is in the process of amending its management plans across Colorado to better protect big game. Your voice can strengthen this plan and help us to better protect big game habitat. Comments are due Tuesday, February 6th.
How to get involved in The Bureau’s oil and gas leasing reforms

After years of pressure from leading national and western-based environmental and conservation groups, The Bureau of Land Management (The Bureau) released for public comment a long-overdue set of reforms on oil and gas leasing regulations! The comment deadline...
PRESS RELEASE: New Federal Rules for Oil and Gas Leasing on Federal Lands
The Bureau of Land Management (The Bureau) today released for public comment a set of long-overdue reforms that would affect how fossil fuels are leased and produced on national public lands.
Bureau of Land Management Public Lands Rule

The Bureau of Land Management has proposed a Conservation and Landscape Health Rule. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to support public lands conservation.
Lease Sale Results Show Need for Rulemaking

In late June, the Bureau of Land Management held its first oil and gas lease sales since early 2021. These sales incorporated several commonsense reforms. Rulemaking is needed to make these changes permanent.
Colorado County and Conservation Groups Sue Trump Administration Again Over Southwest Colorado Oil and Gas Leases
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 2, 2018 San Miguel County, Rocky Mountain Wild, the San Juan Citizens’ Alliance, and Conservation Colorado filed another lawsuit against the Trump administration’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over the agency’s decision to ...
RMW’s wildlife win for Gunnison sage-grouse in Court

By: Chris Talbot-Heindl, Rocky Mountain Wild May 3, 2018 Yesterday we had a great wildlife win for Gunnison sage-grouse in Court! Last October, Rocky Mountain Wild (RMW), San Miguel County, San Juan Citizens Alliance, and Conservation Colorado brought a lawsui...
PRESS RELEASE: Colorado County and Conservation Groups Sue Trump Administration Over Southwest Colorado Oil and Gas Leases
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 11, 2017 Media Contacts: Megan Mueller, Rocky Mountain Wild, 303-7 04-9760 Hilary Cooper, San Miguel Co. Commissioner, 970-728-3844 Jimbo Buickerood, San Juan Citizens Alliance, 970-259-3583 Jessica Goad, Conservation Colorado, 7...
The SabbMattical Chronicles – Volume 6

What Could Be Lost By: Matt Sandler, Rocky Mountain Wild June 8, 2017 After setting up camp I took the boys for a hike to explore the area. The petroglyphs at the site had piqued my interest. We began searching the cliff walls, alcoves, and caves for signs of ...