Jump Ship? By: Matt Sandler, Rocky Mountain Wild June 6, 2017 What would I do if I had to walk into an office every day and see this guy’s picture on the wall?[1] If I knew my boss was against much of what I believe in, would I jump ship or feel that I could...
Tag: forest service
Press Release: Final Arguments, Filings Against Massive Development at Wolf Creek in Judge’s Hands
For Immediate Release, February 9, 2017 Final Arguments, Filings Against Massive Development at Wolf Creek in Judge’s Hands Groups Denied Access to Pubic Documents That Would Have Revealed Extent of Developer Influence Denver, CO — A coalition of conservat...
Press Release: Opening Brief Filed in Lawsuit to Keep Wolf Creek Pass Wild
For Immediate Release: 9/30/16 Contacts: Matt Sandler, Attorney, Rocky Mountain Wild, 303-579-5162 Travis Stills, Attorney, Energy and Conservation Law, 970-375-9231 Denver, Colorado – A coalition of conservation organizations filed an opening brief yesterd...
Can Eldora Mountain Resort Think Outside the Box? Wildlife is Counting On It

By: Tehri Parker, Executive Director, Rocky Mountain Wild “Around here everyone’s got a moose story,” laughs Dave Hallock, Eldora resident and member of the Middle Boulder Creek Coalition (MBCC). We’re standing on a hillside looking down on a wetland n...