Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released its final “Public Lands Rule” putting conservation, wildlife habitat and cultural resource protection on equal footing with extractive uses like oil and gas development for the first time in over 40 years...
Tag: oil and gas
Take action to strengthen protections for CO big game

The Bureau of Land Management is in the process of amending its management plans across Colorado to better protect big game. Your voice can strengthen this plan and help us to better protect big game habitat. Comments are due Tuesday, February 6th.
How to get involved in The Bureau’s oil and gas leasing reforms

After years of pressure from leading national and western-based environmental and conservation groups, The Bureau of Land Management (The Bureau) released for public comment a long-overdue set of reforms on oil and gas leasing regulations! The comment deadline...
PRESS RELEASE: New Federal Rules for Oil and Gas Leasing on Federal Lands
The Bureau of Land Management (The Bureau) today released for public comment a set of long-overdue reforms that would affect how fossil fuels are leased and produced on national public lands.
Protest Period Open for Upcoming Utah Oil and Gas Lease Sale

Protests are due on July 27 for Utah Bureau of Land Management's September 2023 Federal Oil and Gas Lease Sale. Use our resources to submit yours.
Oil & Gas Operators Must Clean Up their Messes

Rocky Mountain Wild's interactive map shows dozens of Colorado oil and gas producers skirting financial assurance rules risking clean water and clean air.
PRESS RELEASE: Irresponsible Operators: New interactive map shows inadequate financial assurance plans from dozens of oil and gas companies

Rocky Mountain Wild released Irresponsible Operators, a new statewide mapping project showing that dozens of Colorado's oil and gas producers are skirting new financial assurance laws that Governor Jared Polis once referred to as the strongest in the nation.
Lease Sale Results Show Need for Rulemaking

In late June, the Bureau of Land Management held its first oil and gas lease sales since early 2021. These sales incorporated several commonsense reforms. Rulemaking is needed to make these changes permanent.
Call On Your Senators To Stay Strong And Reform The Oil And Gas Program

We have joined our friends at The Wilderness Society in calling for federal leasing reform. Take action and send your letter to Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper.
Letter: Big Oil is to blame for high gas prices, not Biden

Today, we joined 20 other national and state-based conservation and advocacy groups to send a letter to President Biden urging his administration to continue to resist efforts by the oil lobby and its allies in Congress to needlessly lease more public lands fo...