Make the world a little greener with these environmental actions

Every Friday, we post ways that you can contribute to making our region a greener place, including events, community science projects, jobs, internships, scholarships, and direct actions. If you have something you would like included in the next round-up, please email Alison at

Featured Environmental Actions, Events, and Opportunities

Image says Next 100 Colorado Mentorship Program. Applications open Monday (6.10). Back by popular demand, we're launching a fourth cohort of the Next 100 Colorado Mentorship Program! Grow your network and build your leadership capacity in a program designed by leaders of color for leaders of color in natural resource and outdoor recreation fields."

Applications Due Soon! Apply to be a mentor or mentee in Next 100 Colorado’s mentorship program!

Next 100 Colorado is launching the fourth cohort of its Mentorship Program, aimed at uplifting and connecting Black, Indigenous, and leaders of color who work, or have recently been employed, in fields related to natural resources, conservation, and the outdoors. Applications are open June 10-July 31.

Tell Congress to protect taxpayers and stop reckless attacks on the oil and gas rule!

The Bureau of Land Management recently finalized new oil and gas reforms to hold oil and gas companies accountable for cleaning up messes they make on public lands, protect taxpayers, and reduce harmful impacts to public lands. But now, those reforms are under attack from some politicians who want to boost corporations’ profits at taxpayers’ expense.

Oil derrick surrounded by sage brush
Mule deer crossing river with snowcapped peaks in the background

Protect Migrating Big Game in Wyoming!

Protect important habitat for greater sage-grouse, crucial winter habitat for mule deer, and migration routes for mule deer and pronghorn by submitting your comments to Wyoming’s Bureau of Land Management. Comments on the draft Environmental Assessment for the Wyoming December 2024 oil and gas lease sale are due August 8.

Speak out for pronghorn in New Mexico!

Protect a priority migration corridor for pronghorn, North America’s fastest land animal by submitting your comments to New Mexico’s Bureau of Land Management. Scoping comments on the New Mexico May 2025 oil and gas lease sale are due August 14.

American Pronghorn
Greater sage-grouse

Protect Greater Sage-Grouse in Wyoming!

Protect important habitat for greater sage-grouse by submitting your comments to Wyoming’s Bureau of Land Management. Submit scoping comments on the Wyoming March 2024 oil and gas lease sale. Comments are due August 14.

Speak Out Against the Development at Wolf Creek Pass

Help us tell the developers and decision-makers why building a “village” for 10,000 people at Wolf Creek Pass is a bad idea and the wrong choice for our community and state.

Your statement can help us stop the destruction of this incredible natural resource.

High mountain landscape looking down at road through green meadow.
A wolverine jumping in the snow

Colorado lawmakers passed a historic bill to restore wolverines to Colorado!

We are so grateful for the bipartisan leadership of Senator Perry Will, Senator Dylan Roberts, Representative Barbara McLachlan, and Representative Tisha Mauro. Their bill paves the way for wildlife experts to reintroduce wolverines using a science based, transparent process that addresses stakeholder concerns. 

White-nose syndrome detected in a Colorado bat. Here’s how you can help.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife confirmed on Monday, April 24, 2023 that a bat infected with white-nose syndrome was found in Colorado for the first time. Finding out where bats are roosting, and monitoring bat populations through Colorado Bat Watch can help experts and officials respond to WNS in Colorado.

Image is a little brown bat with white nose syndrome. Text says "A deadly disease called white-nose syndrome has infected a bat in Colorado for the first time. Learn how you can help bats in Colorado." In the bottom left corner is the Colorado Bat Watch logo. In the bottom right corner is the website for Colorado Bat Watch
Teepees on the plains of the Nez Perce National HIstorical Park

The new Public Lands Rule emphasizes conservation and recreation!

“Rocky Mountain Wild applauds the Public Lands Rule that finally puts conservation of our land and natural resources on par with other uses. Prioritizing protecting the most intact, functioning landscapes, restoring degraded habitat and ecosystems, and making wise management decisions based on science and Indigenous Knowledge are the primary parts of the rule and are critical to our work of protecting, connecting, and restoring wildlife and wild lands.” 

Organizations Working Towards Equity in the Outdoors

In-Person Events

Virtual Events

Community Science Projects

Jobs, Internships, and Fellowships

New Direct Actions

Urgent Direct Actions (those with approaching deadlines)

  • Take action with the Conservation Lands Foundation. Protect Red Cliffs National Conservation Area (NCA) from a proposed four-lane highway that threatens to destroy critical Mojave desert tortoise habitat, scar one of Utah’s most treasured landscapes, and set a dangerous precedent for protected public lands across the country.
  • Take action with The Coalition for Oil and Gas Reform. Rocky Mountain Wild and many other organizations have been working for years to strengthen regulations for Federal oil and gas leasing. Hard won gains require the Bureau of Land Management to steer oil and gas development away from important wildlife, recreation, and cultural sites. Tell Congress to protect taxpayers and stop reckless attacks on the oil and gas rule.
  • Take action with Rocky Mountain Wild. Wyoming’s Bureau of Land Management is proposing an oil and gas lease sale in December 2024. Alison’s screen identified conflicts with greater sage-grouse, crucial winter habitat for mule deer, and migration routes for mule deer and pronghorn. Comments are due August 8.
  • Take action with Rocky Mountain Wild. New Mexico’s Bureau of Land Management is proposing an oil and gas lease sale in May 2025. Paige’s screen identified conflicts with a priority migration corridor for pronghorn. Comments are due August 14.
  • ake action with Rocky Mountain Wild. Wyoming’s Bureau of Land Management is proposing an oil and gas lease sale in March 2025. Alison’s screen identified conflicts with greater sage-grouse. Comments are due August 19.
  • Take action with Western Resource Advocates. Join them this election year as they spotlight climate solutions and sow the seeds for a brighter climate tomorrow. Pledge your support for climate action the West, and let’s create a better world together. Pledge due by November 5.

Evergreen Actions (until we succeed)

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