On July 21, 2023, Rocky Mountain Wild and our partner organizations filed a Response Brief defending both Judge Matsch and Judge Arguello's Orders and reiterating all the reasons why the Agencies actions were unlawful.
Tag: matt sandler
PRESS RELEASE: Court Again Rejects Village at Wolf Creek Development Proposal

A Federal District Court Thursday once again rejected plans by the would-be developers of the Village at Wolf Creek to gain access across National Forest lands for the ill-conceived project.
Court rejects the Village at Wolf Creek development proposal yet again!

Today, we got word that a Federal District Court rejected plans by the would-be developers of the Village at Wolf Creek to gain access across National Forest lands for the ill-conceived project!
Federal District Court Judge Overturns Oil & Gas Lease Sales on Public Lands in Southwest Colorado

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 10, 2022 CONTACTS: Megan Mueller, Rocky Mountain Wild, 303-704-9760Hilary Cooper, San Miguel Co. Commissioner, 970-728-3844Jimbo Buickerood, San Juan Citizens Alliance, 970-259-3583 Federal District Court Judge Overturns Oil &...
Another win for Wolf Creek Pass!

By: Chris Talbot-Heindl and Matt Sandler, Rocky Mountain Wild Remember in 2015 when the Leavell-McCombs Joint Venture (LMJV) exchanged a private parcel to the Forest Service (Service) in exchange for Service land adjacent to Highway 160? We challenged that exc...
A Win for Government Transparency

We just had to post a sage-grouse happy dance (greater sage-grouse here because Gunny wasn’t available to dance or for a comment), because yesterday, we won our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case! On May 15, 2019, we sent a Freedom of Information Act...
PRESS RELEASE: Conservation Groups Cheer Latest Court Decision Rejecting Village at Wolf Creek Land Exchange

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 12, 2018 A federal appeals court Tuesday dismissed the latest attempt from the would-be developers of the Village at Wolf Creek to reinstate a land exchange rejected by a federal judge last year. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of A...
PRESS RELEASE: Developers attempt another end run around public on Village at Wolf Creek

The developers of the controversial Village at Wolf Creek recently demanded the Forest Service simply ignore recent court decisions and instead approve road construction to begin the proposed real estate development. In a January 12, 2018 letter to the Forest ...
RMW’s wildlife win for Gunnison sage-grouse in Court

By: Chris Talbot-Heindl, Rocky Mountain Wild May 3, 2018 Yesterday we had a great wildlife win for Gunnison sage-grouse in Court! Last October, Rocky Mountain Wild (RMW), San Miguel County, San Juan Citizens Alliance, and Conservation Colorado brought a lawsui...
PRESS RELEASE: Colorado Judge Rules Against Piñon Ridge Uranium Mill License
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 18, 2018 Contacts: Travis Stills, Energy & Conservation Law, stills@frontier.net, 970-375-9271 Lexi Tuddenham, Sheep Mountain Alliance, lexi@sheepmountainalliance.org, 617-285-4715 Matt Sandler, Rocky Mountain Wild, matt@roc...