The following maps are of important areas for wildlife (and a few plant) species found on BLM (and neighboring) lands in the Tres Rios Field Office in far southwestern Colorado. These maps were created October 2, 2015 for the Colorado Wildlife Federation and are in Adobe pdf format. These maps are designed to be viewed on a computer screen and for you to zoom in to areas of interest. The maps were created using the pdf layer capability so that selected map layers can be turned on and off when they are viewed with an appropriate viewer such as Adobe Acrobat.
- Important Bighorn Sheep Habitat Areas
- Important Black Bear Habitat Areas
- Important Elk Habitat Areas
- Gunnison Sage-grouse Critical Habitat
- Important Mule Deer Habitat Areas
- Occurrences of Selected Sensitive Species
- Important River Otter Habitat Areas
- Important Wild Turkey Habitat Areas