ICYMI: All of the webinars from Colorado Endangered Species Week

Banner featuring Colorado endangered, threatened, and imperiled species
Top row: American pika (imperiled, but not listed) courtesy of Will Thompson, USGS; boreal toad (state endangered) courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife; greater sage-grouse (state special concern) courtesy of Bob Wick, Bureau of Land Management; Colorado River cutthroat trout (state special concern) courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife; least tern (state endangered) courtesy of Amanda Boyd, USFWS; Bottom row: burrowing owl (state threatened) courtesy of Ben Lawrence; kit fox (state endangered) courtesy of Kelly Rigby, Bureau of Land Management; clay-loving wild buckwheat (state endangered) courtesy of Langton Alicia, USFWS; longnose leopard lizard (state special concern) courtesy of William Bosworth, ID Department of Fish and Game. All images are public domain.

In case you missed Colorado Endangered Species Week, we have all five webinar recordings for you to enjoy at your leisure!

Check them out below and watch all five.

We did have to postpone the Belonging in the Outdoors Roundtable due to the illness of a panelist. Stay tuned for updates.

It’s almost time to rally to save grouse webinar

Daly Edmunds from Audubon Rockies for a look at the history of the bird and its conservation, the 2015 collaborative conservation strategy, what happened to it, what’s been going on recently, and what conservationists need to know when the Bureau of Land Management Land Use Plan Amendments public comment periods open up.

Your new BFFs: black-footed ferrets webinar

Chamois Andersen, Kaitie Schneider, and Caitlin Cattelino from Defenders of Wildlife discussed black-footed ferret status, what’s being done to protect and restore the species, what you can do, and answered questions regarding the restoration process for this species on the brink.

A peek on pikas: how climate change is impacting distributions webinar

Peter Billman, a Ph.D. student at the University of Connecticut studying how species are responding to climate change, led a peek on pikas and how climate change is impacting their distributions. Megan spoke about ways you can help American pikas here in Colorado.

Take flight from chemical pesticides webinar

A huge thank you to People and Pollinators Action Network for letting us crash their monthly webinar to hear from Hardy Kern from American Bird Conservancy. Hardy discussed past pesticide regulations, current effects of conventional pesticides on birds, and what we can do to secure a safer and less-toxic future for birds, insects, and humans.

A wild solution: wildlife crossing structures webinar

Beth Pratt from National Wildlife Federation and Michelle Cowardin from Colorado Parks and Wildlife discuss wildlife crossing structures. Specifically, why they are necessary and about different wildlife crossing structures that have already been implemented and have begun protecting beloved, imperiled, threatened, and endangered species!

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