We’re protecting your BFFs with some of our BFFs!
We recently joined with some of our BFFs, WildEarth Guardians and Western Watersheds Project, to file a Motion for Summary Judgment in our case challenging the Endangered Species Act (ESA) 10(j) rule for your BFFs (black-footed ferrets) in the state of Wyoming.
The black-footed ferret is widely considered North America’s rarest, most imperiled mammal and is listed as Endangered under the ESA.
The challenged 10(j) Rule provides that any black-footed ferrets released in Wyoming will be considered non-essential experimental populations and will not receive the full protections of the ESA. Wyoming has some of the best potential ferret habitat in the country! This rule hinders conservation and recovery of the black-footed ferret and we believe it is unlawful — we hope the Court agrees.
A ruling in our favor could result in increased protections for thousands of acres of important ferret habitat (prairie dog colonies!) and be a great step towards ferret recovery.
You can read our Motion for Summary Judgment here.
For our BFFs!

Matt Sandler (he/him)
Legal Director, Leadership Team
Rocky Mountain Wild