Tell the Bureau of Land Management that it must commit to strong conservation of Gunnison sage-grouse habitat to halt the trajectory towards extinction and promote recovery.
Read about Rocky Mountain Wild in the news!
Read our Press Releases here. Wolverine Reintroduction Colorado Bat Watch Colorado Corridors Project Colorado Pika Project Endangered Species Friends of Wolf Creek Go Big! Central Colorado Bighorn Sheep Survey Oil and Gas Watch Public Lands Wild I-70 Audio Tou...
Take action to strengthen protections for CO big game

The Bureau of Land Management is in the process of amending its management plans across Colorado to better protect big game. Your voice can strengthen this plan and help us to better protect big game habitat. Comments are due Tuesday, February 6th.
3 days left; 5 reasons to give

The end-of-the-year giving campaign is almost over, but we had to ask you one more time to see if, together, we can reach our goal of raising $80k to support the wildlife and wild lands in our region! (We are currently sitting at $43,461 — plus whatever may ...
PRESS RELEASE: Wolverine Receives Much-Needed Endangered Species Act Protections

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that it will protect the wolverine population in the lower 48 states as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
8 exciting ways you can save our marvelous wildlife

Protecting biodiversity is a big job and one we do better as a community! Here are just eight ways you can engage with our work to protect the wildlife and wild lands you care about.
Response Brief filed to protect Wolf Creek Pass

On July 21, 2023, Rocky Mountain Wild and our partner organizations filed a Response Brief defending both Judge Matsch and Judge Arguello's Orders and reiterating all the reasons why the Agencies actions were unlawful.
How to get involved in The Bureau’s oil and gas leasing reforms

After years of pressure from leading national and western-based environmental and conservation groups, The Bureau of Land Management (The Bureau) released for public comment a long-overdue set of reforms on oil and gas leasing regulations! The comment deadline...
PRESS RELEASE: New Federal Rules for Oil and Gas Leasing on Federal Lands
The Bureau of Land Management (The Bureau) today released for public comment a set of long-overdue reforms that would affect how fossil fuels are leased and produced on national public lands.
Protest Period Open for Upcoming Utah Oil and Gas Lease Sale

Protests are due on July 27 for Utah Bureau of Land Management's September 2023 Federal Oil and Gas Lease Sale. Use our resources to submit yours.